package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "./pixiv" ) type cmdlineT struct { followings bool favs bool illusts bool userID string setCookies string setProxy string workDirectory string userAgent string printID bool printURL bool test bool logErrorsFile string threads int setXAttrTags bool setTagsFile string } var ( cmdline cmdlineT cookies string pix pixiv.Pixiv ) func main() { flags() pix = pixiv.New(cmdline.setCookies, cmdline.logErrorsFile, cmdline.threads, cmdline.setXAttrTags) defer pix.Close() if len(cmdline.setProxy) > 0 { pix.SetProxy(cmdline.setProxy) } if len(cmdline.workDirectory) > 0 { pix.WorkDirectory = cmdline.workDirectory } if cmdline.illusts { err := fetchIllusts(cmdline.userID) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } if cmdline.favs { err := fetchBookmarks(cmdline.userID) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } if cmdline.followings { err := fetchFollows(cmdline.userID) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err.Error()) } } } func fetchFollows(userID string) (err error) { users, err := pix.GetFollows(userID) if err != nil { return } for _, user := range users { fmt.Printf("%s %s %s %s\n", user.UserID, "followed_user", "defered", user.UserName) } return } func fetchBookmarks(userID string) (err error) { illusts, err := pix.GetBookmarks(userID) if err != nil { return } for _, illust := range illusts { if cmdline.printID { fmt.Printf("%s %s %s %s %s\n", illust.ID, "illust", "defered", illust.Title, illust.Alt) continue } if !illust.Complited() { err := pix.ComplateIllust(&illust) if err != nil { return err } } if cmdline.printURL { for _, page := range illust.Pages { fmt.Println(page.URLs.Original) } continue } if !(cmdline.printURL && cmdline.printID) { if !(cmdline.printURL && cmdline.printID) { for _, illust := range illusts { pix.DownloadChannel <- illust } } } } return } func fetchIllusts(userID string) (err error) { illusts, err := pix.GetUserIllustsID(userID) if err != nil { return } if cmdline.printID { for _, illust := range illusts { fmt.Println(illust.ID) } return } if cmdline.printURL { for _, illust := range illusts { id := illust.ID illust, err := pix.GetIllust(id) if err != nil { return err } for _, page := range illust.Pages { fmt.Println(page.URLs.Original) } } return } if !(cmdline.printURL && cmdline.printID) { for _, illust := range illusts { pix.DownloadChannel <- illust } } return } func flags() { flag.BoolVar(&cmdline.illusts, "illusts", false, "download illusts") flag.BoolVar(&cmdline.followings, "followings", false, "fetch user followings") flag.BoolVar(&cmdline.favs, "favs", false, "fetch user favorites") flag.StringVar(&cmdline.userID, "user-id", "", "set userID to extract followings, favs or illustrations from") flag.StringVar(&cmdline.setCookies, "set-cookies", "", "set cookies for request. PHPSESSID is REQUIRED if you want to see R-18 works. SHOULD be something like PHPSESSID=12345678_MEPujYEEwOfXKYdB9TXeMIxaq7pQPYXA") flag.StringVar(&cmdline.setProxy, "set-proxy", "", "set proxy for request") flag.StringVar(&cmdline.workDirectory, "workdir", "", "set directory to save images in") flag.StringVar(&cmdline.userAgent, "user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0", "set user agent") flag.BoolVar(&cmdline.printID, "print-id", false, "only print IDs, not download") flag.BoolVar(&cmdline.printURL, "print-url", false, "only print URLs, not download") flag.BoolVar(&cmdline.test, "test", false, "test") flag.StringVar(&cmdline.logErrorsFile, "log-errors", "", "file to strore failed items") flag.IntVar(&cmdline.threads, "threads", 1, "threads number") flag.StringVar(&cmdline.setTagsFile, "set-xattr-file", "", "[WIP] fetch illustration's tags and write them to xattrs of the specified file. Filename SHOULD be in following formats: _p., illust__*") flag.BoolVar(&cmdline.setXAttrTags, "set-xattr", false, "also write tags to xattrs") flag.Parse() }